Monthly Archives

October 2019

SiO Beauty Review

October 1, 2019

As you know, I don’t do many beauty reviews.  I get a lot of requests, but I’m very careful to only pick products that I’d really want to try and use myself.  So I was excited when SiO Beauty asked me to try out their skin smoothing patches. They’ve even offered a special discount for my readers. Ready for a deal? Use code DAWN20 to get 20% off your purchase of single or subscription purchases.  For subscriptions, the 20% will apply to the first month.

This is an anti-aging treatment that I’ve heard of and was curious about. I love that this is something I can use in conjunction with what I’m currently using. No need for a complete skincare overhaul (and they’re REUSABLE 10-15 times). These patches will enhance the care I’ve already been giving my skin.  And wow, I have to admit I’m impressed with the results!

décolleté patches SiO Beauty

This post is sponsored by SiO Beauty. All opinions are completely my own.

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