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2019 style trends for women over 40

2019 Trends … and How to Wear Them Over 40!

January 6, 2019

2019 spring style is shaping up to be a lot of fun!  Of course as more mature fashionistas over 40, we’re not as quick to jump on any and every trend going by, but it is fun to incorporate trends into our daily style! I’m a big proponent of curating a wardrobe with modern basics and then spicing up our looks with some new trends!  Adding trends can be a great way to update your look, a way to stay revenant and in-the-know.  Here are some of the best (and worst) trends and style tips for how to wear them in our middle years.

Taoray Wang SS 2019, suit trend, pink trend

Photo Credit: Matt Kirk for In Spades Blog

Taoray Wang Runway SS 2019


 Trends I Love


Tonal Dressing

One trend that I’m really enjoying is the tonal dressing trend. This is when you dress head to toe in tones of one particular color.  Personally, I’ve loved trying this in shades of gray, as well as tans and beiges.  Neutral tones are the easiest to pull off and look sophiscated, but don’t be afraid to try a tonal look with an accent color as well!

tonal dressing in gray, how to style a tonal outfit

Shop Gray



Suits are classics of course, but they’re really having a moment right now.  Every smart wardrobe builder will have a suit in her arsenal so that she can wear the pieces separately and together. You can’t go wrong with basic black, a neutral, or pinstripes.  But don’t overlook the less obvious choices either. How amazing is that fuchsia suit (first pic) and this slouchy soft pink one from the Taoray Wang runway?

Taoray Wang SS 2019 light pink suit

Photo Credit: Matt Kirk for In Spades Blog

pinstriped suit Taoray Wang SS 2019

Photo Credit: Matt Kirk for In Spades Blog

Lafayette 148 NY suit, wearing suits over 40

Shop Suits

Animal Prints

Leopard print has become a classic, for sure.  It never goes out of style and goes with so many things that many women consider it a netural.  I’m sure you have some in your closet already, and now is the time to add a bit more! If you’re up for something a bit wilder, try many of the colored animal prints that are out in the stores right now.  (I just bought this red leopard tote that I’m ga-ga over.) If you’re feeling bold, you can mix your animal prints.  Or if you want to go understated, try one animal print as an accent piece.

wearing animal prints over 40

Shop Animal Prints

Mixed Prints

Speaking of mixing prints, the mixed print trend is still going strong.  Feeling a little sheepish about giving this trend a spin?  Keep the prints in similar tones so that they are harmonious together.  Also many dresses and tops are being created with mixed prints, so in that case the print mixing is all done for you!

mixed prints 2019 style

stripes and checks for 2019




Photo courtesy of Son Jung Wan, from runway SS 2019.

Shop Mixed Prints




Have you been just waiting for the return for groovy 70’s inspired crochet?  Get those knitting needles ready and make your own.  My only caution is don’t go head to toe crochet! And keep your pieces new or carefully choosen vintage style.  You don’t want to look like you just dragged out a bunch of old stuff from the back of your closet.  Hey, you can do that.  But you just don’t want to look like that’s what you did!  And hey, while you’re rummaging around in the back of the closet, go ahead and pull out your tie-dye too. It’s also having a moment!

Shop Crochet

A Few Trends I Won’t Be Wearing


Mini Skirts

Hemlines are rising!  And I’m not thrilled.  My thighs haven’t been out in public in a decade. But I would never tell a women she shouldn’t wear a trend, so if you have great legs, go for it. But I will say this, most of us would rather cover up our legs at this point in our lives.  If you want to try mini, may I suggest wearing tights with it so you feel a little more covered up. Plus tights tend to work a bit like a gentle girdle and pull everything in! Another idea, a pencil skirt that stops just a bit above the knees looks classic, chic, and shows off some great gams!


Bike Shorts

Yes, you read that right … bike shorts are back!  And I for one will not be touching them!  I can’t think of anything more unflattering on me.  I’d never tell anyone not to try a trend, after all fashion should be fun!  But I will say tread carefully here.  I think it takes amazing legs and amazing style to pull off these hard to wear shorts.

The one thing that you can never fail to wear is your confidence.  No matter what style advice anyone gives you, you should always be true to yourself and what you feel your very best in. Play and experiment … and stay true to your own sense of style!

Let’s get this 2019 style party started!  And in case you missed it, here’s a look back at 2018 and a look ahead to 2019.

Fun & Fashion,

Dawn Lucy


Link Ups: Visible Monday! Shoe and Tell!  #iwillwearwhatilike link up! Turning Heads Tuesday! Confident Tuesday!   Style Perspectives! Trendy Wednesday! Style on the Daily!  Thursday Fashion Files! Chic and Stylish! Labour of Fashion! Thursday Moda! Top of the World Style!   Fabulous Friday!   Weekend Wear Link Up!  Edge of the Week! Nancy’s Fashion Style!   Sharing a Journey!