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how to build a wardrobe

Wardrobe Building 101

February 9, 2022

Today I’m excited to share a post about building a wardrobe, the simple basics … Wardrobe Building 101!

This is an outfit created by following all my own suggestions: neutral colors in personally flattering silhouettes, with a pop of my favorite accent color.

I’ve done a series of blog posts about wardrobe building, so if you’re a regular around here, some of this will be familiar to you.  But I thought it would be a cool idea to distill all that information into one handy easy-to-work-with blog post. I’ve also added a few new thoughts and ideas, as well as updating the photos of course.

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Wardrobe Building # 7 & 8 – Budget & Sales

July 1, 2019

Oh the budget … the realistic bottom line to our sometime lofty fashion dreams!  But we ALL  (almost all) have a budget no matter what the actual amount.  And it pays to think ahead about where that money is going if you prioritize having a workable wearable wardrobe!

This is my serious budgeting face!

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Wardrobe Building -Part 5 & 6 – Trends & Inspiration

May 16, 2019

Continuing my How to Build a Wardrobe blog series, this month we’re going to discuss what to do about trends and where to find inspiration?

(If you haven’t been following along, you might want to catch up with parts 1-4, available on the drop down menu above, but it’s not necessary for the enjoyment of this post!)

Here I’m wearing animal print, both a classic and also huge trend right now!


Trends Over 40

Many mature women aren’t quite sure what to do about trends. Are these even relevant to us anymore? I say yes! But like everything else, we need to make them our own. My advice is usually to create a wardrobe of basics and then pick and choose statement and trendy pieces to mix in here and there.

Trends can be fun and can stretch us out of our comfort zone to try new things. Or even encourage us to revisit styles we swore we’d never wear again! LOL! But I think the main point about trends is that you need to pick and choose what works for you, what you vibe with, and leave the rest alone.

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Wardrobe Building Part 3 & 4 – Identity & Lifestyle

April 1, 2019

Who do you think you are?  What message are you sending to the world? To yourself?

In parts 3 & 4 of my Wardrobe Building series, we talk about how your wardrobe both supports and creates your identity and lifestyle.

If you’re new to the series, you might want to catch up by reading Part 1 & 2, Silhouette and Color.


What you wear sends a signal to the world about who you are. I don’t think that’s overstated at all. And most importantly, we tell ourselves who we think we are by the way we look and dress. What message do want to convey to the world? And what message do you want to be sending yourself everyday?

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Wardrobe Building – Part 1 & 2 – Silhouette & Color

January 27, 2019

For 2019 I’m excited to do a series of blog posts about how to build a wardrobe, starting from the very beginning! I’ve come up with a method, though nothing in this process is actually created by me, certainly not from scratch.  It’s more of  a putting together of things I’ve learned along the way, from my fashion classes in college, to helping friends shop. to style blogging, to creating my own wardrobe one piece at a time. I’m really excited about this and hope you find it helpful!

how to build a wardrobe from scratch

I’ll try to give you a new topic each month and this month, I wanted to start at the very beginning: let’s talk about silhouette and color.


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Wardrobe Staples – The Moto Jacket (& Link Up)

October 11, 2018

It’s time for the next installment of my wardrobe staples series and this time around, let’s talk about the moto jacket.  Once an iconic symbol of rebellion, the moto jacket is a mainstream wardrobe basic now, but it still packs a bit of an edgy punch.

moto jacket over 40

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Tips for a Closet Cleanout!

January 2, 2018

I always feel like I need a good closet cleanout after the holidays.  It’s always so nice to start the new year with a fresh organized closet and wardrobe, right? I always find it’s best to start with what I want to keep first … and then I can see what I want to get rid of.

tips for a closet cleanout


My Tips for Closet Cleanout & Creating a Wearable Wardrobe


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Mixing Trends with Classics – A Year of Outfit Building!

December 26, 2017

So one of my new year’s resolutions is to be more helpful to my readers.  It’s easy for bloggers to get so caught up in “fashionista world” that they forget about real women who need real wearable workable wardrobes.  And hey, since I also have a full-time job and life outside blogging, I need a real wardrobe too! (This doesn’t mean that I won’t also have posts drooling over the latest at New York Fashion Week, because …well, you know I LOVE that too!)

I’ve been spending some time lately thinking about what makes a wardrobe both hard-working AND fun and I keep coming back to this formula: classics/basics mixed with trends.

So here’s my list of favorite outfits of 2017, month by month, built with this simple method!

how to build outfits, how to build a wardrobe

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