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how to have a workable wardrobe over 40

Mixing Trends with Classics – A Year of Outfit Building!

December 26, 2017

So one of my new year’s resolutions is to be more helpful to my readers.  It’s easy for bloggers to get so caught up in “fashionista world” that they forget about real women who need real wearable workable wardrobes.  And hey, since I also have a full-time job and life outside blogging, I need a real wardrobe too! (This doesn’t mean that I won’t also have posts drooling over the latest at New York Fashion Week, because …well, you know I LOVE that too!)

I’ve been spending some time lately thinking about what makes a wardrobe both hard-working AND fun and I keep coming back to this formula: classics/basics mixed with trends.

So here’s my list of favorite outfits of 2017, month by month, built with this simple method!

how to build outfits, how to build a wardrobe

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