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how to let your hair grow

Growing out your Natural Gray Hair … An Update & Some Tips

January 20, 2020

In the beginning of December, I decided to try to join the #ditchthedye movement and transition to my natural hair color.  It’s been an interesting process, with some ups and downs for sure.  And I’m just sharing my journey with my readers!



So in case you missed it, I did some transitional coloring in the beginning of December. But I just went back to the salon this week and decided to skip another transitional dye job, just get a trim …  and … see what happens!  I’m so curious to see what color my hair is now.  How gray is it?  How does the gray mix with my dark ashy blond?  Is it pretty? What’s the texture like now with the gray strands?  So the only way to really tell what I’ve got going on is to stop the dye … and wait.  And wait some more. And I’m not going to lie, it’s going to be awkward.  (I reserve the right to ditch the whole idea and do Lord-knows-what with it!)


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