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organic skincare

Clean Beauty Review for Spring

April 29, 2021

It’s time to add a few more clean beauty items to my repertoire!  This time around I tried an eye treatment and cleanser made by 100% Pure Beauty.


And sending out a HUGE thanks to 100% Pure for the products AND for a discount code worth 25% to my readers!!  Use code DAWN25 by May 2nd! It’s a great time to stock up or if you’ve never tried this brand, do yourself a favor and give it a try!


A reminder why I love this brand in their own words …

“100% PURE™ isn’t just our name. Or just our ingredient list. 100% PURE™ is a commitment to producing the purest, healthiest products and educating everyone on why being 100% PURE™ is so important. We strive to live with compassion, kindness and empathy; to be environmentally sustainable and to improve the lives of 6 billion people and animals while also being charitable and giving back to our global community.”

                                                                                     ~from the 100% Pure website

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