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over 50 rock concert outfits

What to Wear to a Rock Concert Over 40

March 2, 2020

So, as most of you know, I’ve been spending more time out and about at live music venues since my husband has been singing with a rock band.  It got me thinking that maybe some midlife babes could use a little guidance about what to wear for an evening of live local music or a big concert.  Dolls, I’ve got you covered with my tips for dressing for a rock concert over 40!



Before I get to my tips, always remember my first rule of fashion: what makes you feel fabulous is always the best thing to wear, no matter what anyone says, including me!

What to Wear

Jeans  – Every rocker chic chick needs a pair of fabulous jeans: boot cut, bell bottom, skinny jeans, blue or black.  Add some edge with rips and raw hems!


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