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spring trends for women over 40

Spring Trends Shopping List

March 30, 2021

This spring feels extra special. After a year of wearing joggers around the house, we are finally emerging out into the world again!  Here are some fun new trends for spring to put a little spark into your wardrobe!



Who cares about trends? Well, I do! I like them because to me it’s fun to try new things (or revisit old ones) and it’s a chance to feel relevant and part of the our shared culture.  But I certainly don’t follow trends slavishly like I did in my youth.  Here are 7 news trends that I’m personally loving and I think will fit right into my wardrobe.  Let me know if any of these trends will be making their way into your closet this spring!

High Waisted Wide Jeans

I’ve been praying for the end of skinny jeans for years, and it looks like the fashion gods have finally listened!  Jeans this season are straight or wide leg!

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