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what to do at home

Ten Good Things About Staying Home!

March 14, 2020

Hey Friends …. I know … it’s getting weird out there. It’s getting scary in a lot of places, including Santa Clara County where I am.  And yes, we’re staying home.  So here’s my list of the good things about staying at home.  And please know that I’m not making light of what we’re going through right now AT ALL.  I’m just trying to keep myself positive.

what to do at home


#1 Your pets are SO excited to have you home with them.  Look at this girl’s happy face?!

#2 I might learn to cook. Maybe.  I’m the queen of eating out and getting take out, but I actually cooked one night last week: baked salmon with brown rice and vegetables. So healthy!  OMG, who am I?

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