Twenty-twenty came bearing gifts. Some that I’d really like to return. But I did find a few I’m very happy to keep as well.
The Gifts of 2020
In 2020, I learned a lot about being intentional with my priorities. Nothing like a disaster to be reminded of the most important things in our lives, like our own health and self-care and those we love the most. My husband and I have always had a close relationship, but spending all this time together has forged an even closer bond and more appreciation. We’ve had so many adventures (things we wouldn’t think to do if we had all our regular favorite things to do available). We’ve spent more time outside than ever before, exploring parks, hiking trails and beaches. We’ve learned the joy of a picnic! We even tried off-road 4x4ing and explored a ghost town!
And I’ve spent so much time with my dogs! With my little old guy hitting 16 years, that’s especially important to me right now. My two furbabies are a constantly source of joy in my life.
In 2020, I began learning how to pace myself. My mom used to tease me that I only had 2 speeds, fast and stop. I think I’ve lived a lot of my life in a push and crash cycle. I’m finally learning to work and play at a more manageable pace. And to realize that sometimes what I really want to do more than anything is absolutely nothing! And that’s okay!
I learned I actually enjoy working from home. I doubt I’ll be doing it once fall 2021 comes along, but it’s been a really nice change of pace for me and maybe something to think of for the future.
Looking ahead to 2021
I’m looking forward to taking my lessons and my gifts with me into 2021. I plan to focus on my health and self-care, and spending time with my family. I’m enjoying this new rhythm of life and want to find a way to bring it with me into 2021.
I am really hoping that the vaccine will be just the miracle that we need in 2021. What a joy it would be to give all my friends a big old hug! I’d love to eat in a restaurant, go to the mall, see live music and travel.
And for the blog? I’m slowing down a bit and think that I will try for a pace of one post a week. I know at one point I was posting three times a week, then two … and now one. I still really love it, but it does take so much time and energy. I want to take any pressure off of myself so that the blog remains a labor of love and pure joy!
Now, how about you? Any lessons or gifts that you’ll be bringing from 2020 into 2021? And what are you most looking forward to in a post-pandemic world?
Fun & Fashion,
Dawn Lucy
Happy new year!!
Love this post. So honest and inspiring! Miss you and can’t wait to see you in person at some point in 2021!
Can’t wait to see you in person, Kali! I’m hoping for NYFW in September, are you?!
Dawn, you have such a lovely open voice that always comes through like a best friend just dropping by to chat.
I love your “former” two speeds – me too! My mother, Annabelle had two phrases for me – “stop now!” and “Let’s get started!”
I’m being optimistic about 2021 as well. 2020 caused a few cracks in my heart and 12 days in I’m doing my best, with help from my darling husband. I want to maintain a higher level of thought, with more words of love then hate. More lives saved than lost. More happiness thean dispair. More understanding than divison. Positive thought is a powerful, energy and I’m going to overuse my alotment for 2021.
Be well Dawn. xok
Oh I love that I sound like a friend just dropped by to chat … that’s really what I am! :). Yes, trying to stay optimistic about 2021. I know it’s off to a rough start, but I’m hoping that just leftover 2020 energy. And a big yes to staying positive and keeping the good vibes going!
Big love!