To celebrate my 53rd birthday, I wanted to do a post about positive aging and loving ourselves. I’m no mental health expert (ha ha … I know, stop laughing) but I AM a middle-aged woman who used to worry about getting older and who now truly looks forward to each year and the whole fabulous journey we’re all on. Here are my personal tips to loving ourselves through the aging process.
My Tips for Loving Yourself Through the Aging Process
1. Remember there’s no one standard of beauty. Wrinkles can be beautiful. If dimples on a cheek are cute, why not on a thigh? Things change. Body parts shift. Skin get crepey. And that’s okay.
2. Look yourself in the mirror every single day and say something nice and loving. Seriously … do it! Out loud!
3. If you catch your reflection and your first thought is “oh dear” … try to change that thought immediately to “hey I look pretty good!”
4. Eat and exercise as a way to love yourself and enjoy life, not as a punishment for your “sins.” I figure if I eat fairly healthy 80% of the time, that’s good enough. A coffee and pastry treat is one of my simple joys in life, and I’m not letting anyone guilt me into giving it up. Try to do exercise that you actually enjoy.
5. Use social media in a positive way. The good and bad thing about social media is that everyone has a voice. Some of those voices are positive and uplifting and … some not so much. But we can choose who we follow. I’m pretty open minded about everyone’s point of view, but I admit I unfollowed someone recently who was complaining how “fat” she was now that she can’t fit into her size 0’s anymore. Personally, I don’t need that message in my life. Oh, and remember that us influencers are only posting photos that are flattering. No one can walk around all day at a good angle with flattering lighting! Never play the compare game. We’re all unique!
6. Sure we can take care of ourselves, but don’t let any advertisers get you to believe that you always need the latest XYZ to be pretty.
7. Show it off, cover it up … do whatever makes you happy. Aging body parts are part of life, and we don’t have to cover them up, but we can if we want to. It’s up to us. Do what makes you feel best.
8. Treat yourself well … slather on a yummy cream, try a new whatever … but just do it for the purpose of giving yourself a treat.
9. Botox or no? Filler or no? Whatever/whatever … it’s up to you. And there’s no right or wrong answer. Follow your own guidance.
10. Most importantly, confidence and self-love really is the best beauty routine!
I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments! Please share!
Fun & Fashion,
Dawn Lucy
Bonus tip: Take supportive friends along for the ride!
About the blog: Fashion Should Be Fun is me talking to you, other middle aged women like me who are over 40, but not over fashion. We still want to look beautiful and stylish. We still want to have fun with trends. And we don’t need anyone giving us rules, because we’re all different. We all have own shapes and bodies, parts we’d like to cover and parts we still don’t mind showing off a bit. This is a place for me to share my love of fashion with you, style ideas, tips, trends, and inspiration. I know how liking the way we look can translate into confidence and energy. I know we have so much life left to live and so much adventure ahead of us. Let’s show the world you’re never too old to have fun and be fierce!
Love this, Dawn!
Happy, happy Birthday!
Thanks so much, Andrea! OXOX
So well said! I think as we age we get better at loving and accepting, at least I’d like to think so! So to turn those qualities toward our own reflection and say, You look pretty damn good!, is a generous, loving thing we can do more often. Aging is great!
Yes, we get better at accepting and appreciating as we age, I think! Aging IS great … consider the alternative! 😀
Happy Birthday Dawn! Love this post and thanks for inspiration. Being 48, I’ve been struggling with the changes of getting older. It’s getting easier each day but baby steps I guess. Lol!
I find that surrounding myself with positive people is so helpful! Baby steps is how we do everything right? Keep stepping, Chick! OXOX
Such a GREAT READ!! I SUPER struggle with the aging body shifts and ‘fluffiness’! A fight I enjoy with mountain biking/hiking/adventuring! I definitely dress how I want, in what makes me feel good and with a little fashion risk! Your post was like you…RIGHT ON TIME GURL!! I LOVE that your the real deal!
“Oh, and remember that us influencers are only posting photos that are flattering. “
Yesssss, Girl … things change and that’s okay! And for sure, bloggers are only posting flattering pics … hey, let’s face it EVERYONE is only posting flattering pics!! 😀 . Big hugs to you!!
This message was a lift. 💖💖 My favorite point you made was to unfollow negative messages. Right on!! ✨✨✨
Yes! Who needs that negativity in their life?! OXOX
First of all, Happy Birthday!! Second, thank you for all these tips and reminders. I needed to hear them.
I think we all need the reminder! Thanks so much for reading and commenting, Carrie!
Well said! Love all the points you made. I think it is so important for us to remember that we each have to do what is right for us and that we can embrace and love ourselves and our changing bodies every step of the way!
I agree, Kellyann! It’s so nice to be part of such a supportive and loving over 40 community! OXOX . Thanks for always being so sweet and positive!! OXOX
Fabulous!!! No matter my age, I will always have my beautiful, loving heart and fun energy. That is what matters most, next to doing my best to stay healthy and pretty. I am so glad I get to read your blog–you have helped me a lot. Thank you!!
That means the world to me, Annie! I’m sending you all kinds of crazy happy vibes and big hugs. OXOX
Hi Dawn,
As my dad always used to say: Aging is better than the alternative! So, I’m happy I’m still here and I try to age well by taking good care of myself without being obsessed with diet, exercise and how I look. I know a few women who are and frankly it’s boring to me, and boring to be around someone who won’t eat this or do that, and talks about it all the time. There are so many other things to focus on!
As I’ve gotten older I seem to have gotten better at accepting the process, although this crepey skin thing is new and a little hard to accept. I mean like overnight things changed! But every year it’s something else so I’m trying to smile through it!
I’m glad you had a great birthday, hope to see you for a walk on the beach soon!
Xo Heidi
Ooo yes … get out your calendar and let’s plan that beach walk! And yes I agree, it’s boring to hear someone talk about diet, exercise and beauty all the time. No one wants a “gluten is evil” lecture in the middle of trying to enjoy lunch! :D. Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment. And yes, the crepey skin thing is new … I’m post menopause now, and all of a sudden skin is changing, weight is shifting .. it’s an adventure all right! :D. OXOX
Dawn, I just loved this post. What a fabulous reminder and anthem for all women. I’m right there with you! Here’s to you, your birthday and getting to see each other in less than 3 months!
Can’t wait to see you and give you the biggest NYFW hug!!! OXOX. Thanks for the comment, sweet friend! OXOX
I completely agree. As we age there is so much negativity attached to it. But what about the positives. Yes, certain things may be challenging to accept but it can also be an adventure. I have learned to say no much more now I’m in my fifties. To let go of the stuff that doesn’t nurture or support me
Yes, I totally agree, Niki. And it’s freeing, right? Midlife is way more fabulous and exciting than I ever thought it would be. OXOX
I am so happy I found this site! I am 52 and I have never been 52 before so I don’t know how I am supposed to act, dress, ect…. ha ha! I still feel inside like I am in my teens or 20’s but I am not, obviously! I love your blog and your style of clothing! I will be checking your blog from time to time!
That makes me so happy, Tammy! I’ve never been this age before either … let’s help each other navigate these curious waters!! OXOX
Got to rember this when I feel myself going low about how I look. Thankyou
Aww you’re so welcome! We all feel that way sometimes. It’s all about self-love, I think … embracing change and looking for the good in it! Sending big hugs!
Hi Dawn, I just found you. Such inspiring tips. I am loving myself more every day so I totally agree with you. 😊😊
Aww I love that! I’m loving myself more and more as I age too. It’s such a beautiful part of getting older and more comfortable with yourself! I hope you’ll drop by again soon!
Super super super !
Aww thanks so much!!