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What about BOB?

May 19, 2014
Sometimes a girl just craves a change!
On a whim Saturday, I decided to cut my hair into a bob!

 Not only did I see one of my favorite IG fashionistas (@chic_in_academia) sporting a new cute short do, but also my hair stylist.  I just decided to go for it!  There’s something very fun and thrilling about deciding at the last minute!

Loving the angles. 

Can’t wait to shop for some cute tops with back interest!

Loving my haircut, but hating the medical boot for my broken toe …but that’s another post …(here).

Have you ever made a snap hair decision?  How did it turn out?
Hope all is well with my fashion dolls! 
Summer is almost here!
Dawn Lucy

Linking up with Lena B!