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Flats to Go

Kushyfoot Review!

April 13, 2015
Kushyfoot is a hosiery company dedicated to making fashion more comfortable. That’s a mission statement that I can definitely get behind! They sent me a delightful package of Spring Essentials to try out.

One of my favorite ideas is Kushyfoot’s Flats To Go!  Super light and foldable or rollable flats to carry with you when you’re sporting your most impractical clicks.

Just stick these life savers in your purse and put them on when your feet just can’t take those heels for a minute longer!

Check out their other styles too, including snake print and leopard.

Kushyfoot also has foot and toe covers for any type of shoes a fashionista can think of (and we can think of a lot, right?)

Here’s the genius foot covers for peep toe shoes:

And these pretty toe covers solve the tricky problem of slingbacks.  Just line up transparent strap with your shoe strap!

The product that I’ll probably wear the most is Kushyfoot’s knee highs with cotton soles. They just look like pretty silky hose …

But check out this soft padded cotton sole!  A teacher could walk around in those all day!

And all the world sees is this … pretty shoes & pretty hose.

Shop Kushyfoot and enjoy those cute spring heels in comfort and style, Dolls.

Dawn Lucy

Link ups: Maniac MondayStyle Nudge! Celebrate Southern! Turning Heads Tuesday! Confident Twosday! Tremendous Tuesday! What I Wore! Trendy Weds!