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100% Pure Anti Aging Lipstick Review

Going Clean – 100% Pure Cosmetics

March 5, 2020

I’ve been working on going more green and more clean with my fashion and beauty choices.  I’ve tried a few 100% Pure Cosmetics products in the past and liked them a lot, so it was natural (pun somewhat intended!) that I would go to them when I wanted to change up my beauty routine and add more clean products.  They were gracious enough to let me try a few products and I’m happy to share and give you honest reviews of each product.

100% Pure Cosmetic Review

But first of all … Why Go Clean?

Clean beauty products are non-toxic, made without the ingredients that are linked to harmful health effects.  Clean beauty doesn’t have Parabens, BHA and BHT, Coal tar dyes, Formaldehyde, and many other ingredients often found in cosmetics.

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