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basic black dress

Wardrobe Building Basics – The LBD

January 21, 2018

I’m starting a new series on basics for wardrobe building and how can I not start with the best and most fundamental, the Little Black Dress?  One reason so many of us buy a lot but still look in our closet and claim we have nothing to wear is because we focus on the bright shiny new stuff and forget the basics. At least that’s been my issue in the past, a wardrobe that’s all spice no substance.  Though some women do seem to have the opposite problem and could stand to add a little pizazz!

flattering wrinkle free dresses

Let me start with a cute story.  Many years ago, my father called me one day and said that in the doctor’s waiting room he read in a magazine that every woman needed a Little Black Dress and he wanted to make sure I had one!  Haha …. Daddy!  (Damn, I miss him and my mom so much!)

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